Spiritual Life Coaching and Cell Re-patterning

Corinna is a Licensed Spiritual Life Coach 
and her years of experience in Energy Medicine, Mindfulness and the Study of the Psyche prove an integral part in helping you find ways to
reduce stress in your life and replace it with joyful and exciting living.

If you feel like you are going round and round in life, creating the same dead end situations and following the same patterns that get you nowhere, a Spiritual Life Coaching and clearing at a Cellular Level will help you release the unconscious patterns that hold you hostage. Those may show up as sleeping problems, health and stress problems, aches and pains in your body or financial issues. It is time to clear those old ancestral patterns and move on to a life and is creative and fun!

Spiritual Health Coaches may help their clients diagnose, treat, prevent and heal any spiritual disconnection through the process of spiritual coaching.  They may use any tools at their disposal to do so.  These tools may include Mindfulness, Intentional Prayer,  Contemplative Prayer, Meditation, Kriya Power Meditation, Contemplation, Dowsing, Ritual, Color - Aroma - Crystal Therapy and any other spiritual healing tool in which the spiritual coach has expertise.

Corinna believes in the uniqueness of each client and while creating a safe and mutually trusting relationship with her clients she can help find the source of your discord, bring it to light, embrace it's presence and move into releasing the attachments which no longer serve you.
In general sessions may take the form of a one on one coaching in person, or over the phone or Skype. Or they may also be combined with a Vibrational Healing session where we energetically clear any old cell patterning and move into release and acceptance through any of the tools mentioned above.

Sessions for 60 or 90 minutes are available and are always more effective when followed up within two weeks of the original session.

Visit website for pricing - Spiritual Life Coaching


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