Videos - Instructional and Informational

Did you remember to breathe today?
A wonderful video on the science of breathing and yoga. 
Take some time and breathe...fully. Give yourself a break and allow your system to reset and strengthen.
The Science of Breathing - UPLIFT 

The Gift 
- A wonderful representation of our emotions and how it affects our energy and our field, as well as those around us and how love can cure. This is where "shielding" and learning how to bring down your heart wall can help you in finding joy in life and creating meaningful relationships. Energy Medicine helps in "soothing" the wall that we put up, healing the field and create a positive environment inside and out. I hope you enjoy this short as much as I did ♥

 Energy Calibration with Donna Eden

Aura Soma Colour Care system on Fox4
Aura Soma Video

 On Grounding and why it's important:

And if you have a little more time, here's a longer video about grounding from Dr. Oschman

Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD 

Spirit Science 6 ~ The Flower of Life 
Meridian Tooth Chart: How does the health of your Teeth affect your energy flow and organs? 
Energy medicine is fabulous for re-establishing the flow in the body's meridians. Especially if you have problems with your teeth, we may be able to pipoint the source of your problem, help re-establish flow and allow the body to come back to it's natural healthy state. Book an appointment today and come have your teeth checked ;-) You will be amazed at the correlation between your aching teeth and your organs!!  The Healing Power of Energy: Healing Touch
Reiki and Energy Medicine on CNN Dr. James Oschman on Energy Medicine Healing Touch Program: An Introduction to Healing Touch part 1of 2  Healing Touch Program: An Introduction to Healing Touch part 2 of 2


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