A wonderful article on How Energy Medicine works!
How does Reiki and other methods of hands-on healing work from a scientific standpoint?
Reiki practitioners often describe how their healing modality works as bringing Source energy (God energy, Love energy, Chi, etc.) in through their crown chakra (top of the head), down through their heart chakra, into their arms (extensions of the heart chakra), out their hands and into the body & energetic field of their client — healing, balancing and cleansing them. While this explanation is certainly valid, it is difficult for people who need a more scientific or logical explanation of how Reiki works to accept this explanation.
To view this from a logical standpoint we need to understand the electromagnetic field, the myofascial system, chakras, and biophotons. Once these are understood separately we can put them together to understand the science behind holistic energy healing.
The Electromagnetic Field
The Myofascial System
This tissue is a white or clear connective tissue that supports, envelops, and connects our organs, bones, muscles, and tissue together. The fascia provides a sliding and gliding environment for muscles, suspends organs in their proper place, transmits movement from muscles to bones, and provides a supportive and movable wrapping for nerves and blood vessels as they pass through and between muscles. If you ever dissected an animal in your high school biology class, you would have cut through this white, skin-like tissue to get to whatever organ, muscle or bone you were trying to find.
By understanding your electromagnetic field and fascia, you can now see how this life-force energy moves throughout and around your body, both physically and energetically. However, to fully understand energetic healing we must add the variable of biophotons and their role in this fascinating process.A direct intention manifests itself as an electric and magnetic energy producing an ordered change of photons. Our intentions operate as highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter.
In short, it is the biophotons that allow for our patterns to form and break, allow our emotions to hold a negative charge or balance into a positive experience, and allow our body to be in a state of health or dis-ease.
Taking this explanation of biophotons one step further, we’re going to look at images of biophotons in a drop of water (below). In February 2006, using a Somatoscope, which is a darkfield microscope with a magnification of 30,000x, researchers were able to observe the inside structure of biophotons for the very first time. What was discovered when focusing on a single biophoton was that in the center of this spark of light a six-pointed star was contained within a hexagonal geometric shape, as is seen appearing in photo 4. By photo 6 you can see a Merkaba form in the middle with a hexagon around the edge and by photo 9 you can see the Flower of Life form. If you connect Sacred Geometry with healing, you may come to the conclusion that at the center of the flower of life is our consciousness, the consciousness directs the photons, the photons direct our patterns and positive or negative state of being, which means – we completely control our own state of being. We are not a victim to anyone or anything, we hold all the cards and only we can heal ourselves.
For more information on Sacred Geometry, watch this great little video from our friends at Spirit Science!
Putting it all together
Reiki works when biophotons are brought in from source energy, through the fascia, into the heart and then into the hands of a practitioner or ones’ own hands. When a practitioner and a client have a shared intention or when the self has a clear intention on what is wanted the biophotons travel through the fascia of the client or self, moving into the DNA and communicate with other biophotons within the body to allow healing, clearing, balancing, etc. In other words the biophotons are directed to restructure the chemical reactions and molecular makeup of the body for health and wellness to occur.Conducting a healing session
To begin, take a few deep breaths with your client to help engage the Vagus nerve which triggers a signal within your nervous system to slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure, and decrease cortisol, the stress hormone. Then guide them into their heart center (chakra) asking them to connect their heart to yours so that a partnership is formed while conducting the healing process. Remind the person you are working on that the practitioner is a conduit to move the energy and set the space for healing to occur—the true healer is the self.
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