Are you looking for some balance in your life?
Balance & Stress Reducer package.
A month long program to get you out of stress and into life!
summer is in full swing, the sun is out - with the occasional showers
here in Colorado - and the veggie gardens are finally thriving.
Hopefully you've had time to allow for some fun and relaxation and maybe
even a vacation. And if not, you better hurry and fit it in soon
because if you look at the calendar school starts in only three weeks.
For those of us with kids that means running to get them registered,
figuring out their class schedules and finding just the right supplies
that the schools are asking for not to mention getting our own schedule
reorganized and figured out with the new fall line up coming up. Either
way, kids or not, fall always brings a new hectic rhythm to the table
that we need to account for.
this can lead to frustration and angst as the lack of time and
deadlines to get everything done close in. And if we are not well
prepared and take time for ourselves, this chaos can quickly turn to a
stressful reaction from the body; whether that registers as a minor
cold, an allergic reaction or a catatonic breakdown of our physical
and/or mental body.
<4 in 1 Balance & Stress Reducer package>
One 90 minute life coaching & Energy Medicine Session per week for 4 consecutive weeks.
So in view of this anticipated busy time I am offering a limited time 4 in 1 package of balance and stress reducer sessions to keep you strong and prepared for the upcoming
challenges. This is the time to take care of yourself and get yourself
in a zen state where you can breeze through anything that comes your
Have you been feeling tired, lifeless, bloated, like you cannot catch up with life? Are you trying to find a way to feel better that doesn't involve pills or more visits to the doctor?
These sessions will help get you on track to feeling strong,
energetic and calm to face your upcoming challenges. It will also boost
your immune system so you will be ready for fall and the cocktail of
viruses that start floating around. You will find out techniques and ways to regain your strength and keep it, create goals and vision for dreams long lost.
Prevention versus Intervention:
lets face it, would you rather be at a Dr's office and feeling miserable
while you wait your turn to be seen, or be comfortably tucked in a
massage table, with soft music, a safe environment where you can relax
and take a break from the world for a while while your body is finding
its balance and strength? One of the perks of Reiki/Healing Touch is how
relaxed you feel at the end of the session. Energy Medicine however,
works hand in hand with Western Medline, a healthy diet and stress
free environment which can help keep you going strong. Together we can work alongside any program assigned to you by your doctor and help boost its efficacy and help your body heal at a faster pace.
If you have been feeling out of balance and rugged this is even more for you as now would be a great time to spend an hour a week for just yourself, to get you renewed and rejuvenated. Think of these sessions as relaxation time that keeps on giving, since Energy Medicine does not stop once the session is finished but it keeps on working for 4-7 days depending on the person.
just one hour a week to help yourself relax with a Vibrational Healing
session and feel your body getting renewed and rejuvenated.
live in a somewhat hectic world and it is up to you to put the brakes
on and change things around before life runs your down. Only you can
take charge of your daily life and health and with this program I can
help you get back on track.
session is 90 minutes long, allowing for a 30 minute life coaching
followed by a full hour of Vibrational Healing which could include any
of the following: Healing Touch, Reiki, Chakra balancing, Color
Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Aroma Therapy (may include reflexology), Aura
Soma, Raindrop Therapy (needs to be scheduled ahead of time).
It is four weeks long, once a week for 90 minutes each session.
The Balance and Stress Reducer package
offers you a chance to grab life by the horns and get back on track in
just one month. Giving you tools to change the things in life that do
not work for you and help replace them with what you've been longing
for. All the while helping your body reach relaxation and allowing it to
come back into balance, helping you feel better and more energetic.
We are meant to live joyful and energetic lives!
If you are not then chances are you are out of balance. Let's get together and help you get back on track.
Take the plunge to a happier and healthier self today. Pick up
the phone and give me a call to schedule your sessions today. It is best to book ass 4 sessions together as space is limited (there are only so many hours in a day ;-)) But either way I will do my best to fit you in!
Details: This program will be available starting August 1st and needs to be scheduled for four consecutive weeks in order to be most effective. As with any program, please do realize that this is a kick starter and you need to be wanting to create change in your life in order to achieve your desired results. Whatever you are envisioning in your future is worth the effort and commitment to change. We will cover a lot of ground in one month but you will need to keep up the good work in order to keep changes coming and to help them stick. Follow up appointments are always available as you need them and for the individual price. You are always welcome however, to double up and follow up with another month package if you feel you need the extra motivation.
Cost: This is a one on one program that is designed to remind you of your potential and guide you on how to reach your dreams. The special pricing or this program in only $430, a savings of $50 from 4 regular 90 minute Vibrational Healing sessions put together. It is a most comprehensive package of 4 weekly healing sessions, back to back, using an array of vibrational tools as needed for each client. With this program you get the added bonus of life coaching and special tools built in with each energy medicine session.
Payment plans can be arranged.
Payment plans can be arranged.
Let me support you through the changes you would like to make in your life and help you lead a more joyful and pain free lifestyle.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or email.
E-mail me or call here to register for sessions and you may either pay in session or visit the buttons to the right to pay for the package with a credit card.
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