New Classes - DIY for Home & Health

Join us on the 3rd Monday of each month at Pathways to Wellness in Fort Collins, CO for a fun class of how to prepare your own recipes for Home and Health. 
Some of the things you will learn how to make might include home made Toothpaste and Lip Balm , Natural Makeup and Night Facial Cream, Insect Repellant, Sun Screen, Dishwasher cubes, Dryer Fluff Spheres, Healing Salve, Tinctures, Essential Oil Spritzers, Aromatherapy Blends and more wonderful goods. 

This is a chance for you to learn how to create your own staples and stay healthy 
without the addition of chemicals and unnatural ingredients in the products you use 
for your home and yourself.
Join us for these fun classes, bring something to sip on and 
we'll supply the cheese and crackers.
Learning how to make these staples at home comes with a load of benefits:
  •  Printed recipe to take home and use over and over. Large quantities ensures you can store some for later and not have to go to the store for a while.
  •  300% savings in making your own products. Store bought organic toothpaste costs $6.00/tube
  •  Natural ingredients help strengthen gums and whiten teeth
  •  Fluoride Free
  •  SLS Free (sodium laureth sulfite) 
  •  Sulfactant (detergent) Free
  •  Polymer Free, No Polypropylene Glycol
  • Take home jar means you'll have some product for a while and you can reuse the jar.
*Organic (We strive to utilize organic ingredients when possible, and we never use synthetic chemicals or substitutes) 

Don't forget you get to take home a generous amount of the product
we make in class to get you started.

To find out what we are making in each class either contact me or look up the Pathways to Wellness meetup at or the website



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