Jedi Training for the Soul gatherings resuming August 11th, 2015

Hello everyone,

We will be resuming our Teen/Young Adults gatherings, Tuesday, August 11th at 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Pathways to Wellness in Fort Collins, CO.

Go to this page for more info or join the Meetup at

I look forward to re-connecting and having some great discussions.
If you have any hot topics you would like to address, message me so they may be considered in future discussions.

This coming month we will be addressing our Subtle Bodies and Human Energy Fields, the different layers and how to control/affect those in the best ways.

Let me know you are coming by RSVPing at the meetup site. I will need to have a complete count the latest 6 days in advance so I may keep the space reservation. If you have a last minute change and decide you can attend, ping me so we can discuss options.

Looking forward to seeing old and new faces.
Inspired Health Energy Medicine - Corinna Kromer CRMT HTCP


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