Migraines and Reiki, Vibrational Healing

Easing Pain and Healing Migraines with Energy Medicine

     Does your life come to a full stop when that migraine suddenly strikes? Do you feel incapacitated, sensitive to all light, noise and activity?  Do you gets bouts of nausea and changes in vision and hearing as the attack approaches?  It doesn't need to be that way.  The next time you feel a migraine coming on schedule yourself for a Reiki / Healing Touch / Vibrational Healing treatment as soon as possible.
     While some migraines show up unannounced there is usually a threshold when we can feel that pressure brewing.  It could be a short one or it could last for hours, even days. Believe me, I can relate; I used to get migraines all the time. Since then I have learned to watch for my triggers and have mostly kept them at bay. For me the triggers were focused around keeping my blood sugar steady, my body temperature normal - especially keeping my head warm - and keeping my hormones balanced through whole nutrition and supplements. There are a lot of other triggers as everyone's system is different.
But that's a whole other subject I will blog on some other time.
     For now I want to focus on the amazing benefits of energy medicine on migraines.  We can achieve not only pain relief, but also allow the body to find its hormonal balance and help our system calm itself down all through a one hour session. And in most cases we can get you back to normal functioning and you can go about your day as intended. Nothing is required on your part but to lay down, relax and receive. My office is quiet, peaceful and feels safe and inviting. If you have trouble getting to my office by yourself you may have someone drive you here or we can also do a Long Distance treatment which have been proven very effective themselves. Visual and audio stimulation are kept to a minimum, you lay down fully clothed on my comfortable  massage table and are cradled safely in soft blankets, your favorite table temperature while we tap into and start releasing the migraine though awareness and pressure release. You may use my home-made organic lavender (helps diminish migraines), eye pillows or a fragrance-free eye pillow to block out all light. And perhaps a rolled cool towel under the neck for support. Energetic techniques are very gentle and do not intensify the migraine or its symptoms. Gentle touch and energy fluffing may be used to move the excess energy along and to calm the pressure. Through the relaxation process the body is also able to better react and start diminishing the intensity of the energy flow in the head area and all affected parts of the body. Shoulders become relaxed and the muscles on the neck get long and calm again giving support to the neck instead of the feeling of constriction. The whole upper body finds its balance and slowly returns to a fluid neck, relaxed back and good posture. About 30 - 45 minutes into the session, I will check in to see what level the pain is at and what other area of the body, if any, we may need to focus on. You will be allowed a few minutes to slowly come back and return to the present moment, roll over slowly and gently get off the table. There is a great success rate with pain and nausea relief and most clients go home relaxed and clear minded.
It is often beneficial to keep a migraine journal as this may give you some insight on what the triggers are. Time of day, foods, situations or people. You can also print this template out and use it to circle triggers and jot down your notes. Another thing that may be beneficial if you are a regular migraine sufferer would be to sign up for a Reiki I class where you learn how to do self treatments and you can not only help diminish your migraines but also strengthen your energy system which in turn strengthens your immune system and helps you stay healthy and strong. Check out the class schedule offered on my website and see when a Reiki I class date might work with your schedule.
   Reclaim the health of your body and find some relaxation while receiving the tools to understand and neutralize your migraines.
Many Blessings,


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