On Self Love...

Are you Insane? Love myself?


Have you heard of the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?

Keeping that in mind how is your year coming along so far? Have you set new year's resolutions only to feel tired of them already? Is it becoming cumbersome to keep up with your aspirations for change?
Let's step back for a moment. Looking at the year before what were the behaviors, events, relationships and ways of thinking that you were not happy about? I know, it's not good to dwell in the past, but what you did not like about last year are good indicators of what you would like to change for yourself this year. Putting new year's resolutions aside, take a good look at your life and decide what you need to change and set your intentions on that positive note.
A great example is the subject of weight loss. If last year you spent time feeling overweight, annoyed that you did not fit in your clothes, wanted to buy this new outfit but were holding off because eventually you were going to lose weight, and so on and so forth....then this year how about focusing on the healthy and perfect you?
See intention is half of the work. Intent to see yourself in your ideal weight, happy, joyful and and content with life. And start liking yourself for who you are. If you do not change the way you think about yourself how do you expect to allow change to take place? I have a little experience on that matter. We all have to move through our dark moments to eventually surface and triumph. Did you know that just by being here you brighten someone's life? Many times you will never even know what an aspiration you have been to some people you cross paths with.  So  put a smile on, open your heart and let some of that self-love trickle in.

Entering into the month of February, when all marketing and social tags are focused on love and relationships, this is the perfect time to start sending some love to yourself!
It all starts with self-love!

Wake up each morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say

"I love you".

It is not easy at first. But your body and your heart listen. And they responds favorably. Keep it up, every day - and the more you do it the more your will feel the resistance for self care diminish. Start focusing on the awesome YOU, the healthy and fresh foods you consume, walks in the park, soaking in the sunshine, breathing the fresh air. Whatever it takes. Bring in that positivity and allow yourself some self-love. And with consistency you will notice that not only is your life slowly changing but you are also starting to attract the love that you share every day.
As Louise Hay says
"I love myself;
therefore, I take loving care of my body.
I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages,
I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly
responds to me with vibrant health and energy"

I love you, 
Corinna ♥


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